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A spring update on the BQE repairs

It was reported last Friday that the Mayor will unveil new plans for the BQE in May. It’s unclear whether these plans relate to just the Cantilever, and if so, whether they are the short-term emergency repairs that NYCDOT has been developing over the past year, or if the plans are more far-reaching. The expectation of the Brooklyn Heights Association is that whatever is unveiled will most likely NOT be a comprehensive or long-term vision for the entire corridor and will be largely focused on safety and shoring up the Cantilever in the immediate.

Hick Street Wall Repairs

DOT has returned to working on the Hicks Street Wall after a planned winter hiatus and plan to complete the repairs by the end of September. Once the work is finished, there is a possibility of having a mural installed on all or part of the wall. The BHA along with PS 8 and others are meeting with DOT to learn more about its art installation program and how they might participate.

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