Brooklyn Prospect Charter School, founded in 2013, is a Kindergarten to 5th grade Charter school located at 80 Willoughby Street co-located in the building with St. Joseph High School for Girls. The school occupies the top 3 floors of the building right by Metro-Tech in Downtown Brooklyn. Every grade has two classes with each 27 students and two teachers per class. The school will grow up to 300 students in this location and has a lease in the building for another 17 years.
Photo: Principal Sanders (r) and Program director (l)
“Brooklyn Prospect pairs students with excellent teachers in a college preparatory environment using the International Baccalaureate program. We prepare students to become global citizens and help them to develop the love of learning that provides the foundation for lifelong personal and academic success.” 50% of the day is spent in small group events around math and english. They offer Spanish four times a week starting in Kindergarten. Cluster classes like arts and physical education in the shared school’s gym are offered weekly. There is no homework for students in Kindergarten and 1st Grade. Students wear a white or green polo shirt with the school’s logo which is mandatory.
Daily hours for Kindergarten are 8.30 am to 2.45 pm. Daily hours for 1st grade and up are 8.30 am to 3.45 pm and Wednesdays early dismissal at 1.30 pm. The school does not have an outdoor space but students are taken twice a week to Fort Greene Park. Weather permitting students have a daily 20-minute recess at Metro Tech Plaza. All children eat lunch in the classroom. Onsite after school program is available until 6 pm daily.
The lottery application for Kindergarten for children born in 2011 is open until April 1st, 2016. Siblings have admissions priority. After siblings admissions, 45% of the seats are put into a lottery for families who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Then all left over applications from District 13 participate in the lottery which will take place on April 7th, 2016. Last year they had over 2,000 applications for the total 54 Kindergarten seats available. Tours will be offered to accepted families in April. Apply here!
More information about Charter Schools in our neighborhood in our exclusive Charter School guide here!