Middle school application are now open for students in 5th Grade and will close on December 1. Families with children born in 2012 no matter what school they attend for elementary school can apply for public middle schools here. It is not a first come first service, just fill out the application within this time frame. You can find out about district-wide, borough-wide and city-wide programs here and will be able to add up to 12 programs on your application. Middle school applicants with siblings currently in sixth or seventh grade have priority to attend their sibling’s school. Students will receive offers in April 2023. You can register for upcoming open houses in each school’s listing here.
District 13 and District 15 only feature unscreened middle schools with a set-aside for low income students at each school. If there are more applicants than seats, seats are assigned via lottery.
The Boerum Hill School for International Studies in Cobble that offers French for beginners, advanced French, Spanish for beginners and as of next year Arabic for beginners is a Borough-wide program that takes students from all Districts in Brooklyn. Find out more here.
The Harbor Middle School located in Red Hook offers an integrated project-based learning experience for students in Grades 6 and up as of Fall 2022. The school has launched a STEAM- and Maritime-focused curriculum with hands-on learning in NYC’s first harbor middle school. Students study marine biology, weather and climate, maritime history, maps and geography, gardening and much more. The school is located in District 15 but it has open spots for in- and out-of-district students. Email the parent coordinator Miss Hueston for more information MHueston@schools.nyc.gov and find out more how to enroll your child here.
Mark Twain school for Gifted & Talented is a citywide program that is bringing back admissions screens with either virtual auditions or actual tests. Find out more here. Nest+m school for Gifted & Talented is a citywide screened program for Middle Grades.All screened middle school programs will admit students with the highest final core 4th grade GPAs (Core classes- ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies). Find out more here.
Public talks about middle school
In this online middle school fair for all parents with current 5th Graders, Brooklyn Bridge Parents will present an overview of the different middle school options in Brooklyn and beyond including public, Charter and private schools. Afterwards, nine independent middle schools will present their programs, academics, languages, overall school experience, admissions details, financial aid and more including Avenues, BASIS Independent Brooklyn, Blue School, Brooklyn Independent, German School Brooklyn, Hannah Senesh, Leman Manhattan Preparatory School, Workshop Middle School and others. Zoom link will be sent out 60 minutes before the event. The event will take place on Zoom on Monday, November 14th from 6.30 to 8.30 pm. The Zoom link will be sent out 60 minutes before the event starts. Free RSVP here.
CEC 13 and District 13’s public middle schools held a a free virtual middle school fair for families with 5th Graders on November 1, 2022. Hear about the admissions process from an Office of Enrollment representative and meet all 9 principals from District 13 middle schools. Each principal shared an “Elevator Pitch” about their program, academics, languages, social-emotional learning and more. Watch the recording of the info session about the District 13 public middle schools here.