We are hosting our first info session about Pre-K and Kindergarten options for families in DUMBO and Brooklyn Heights. The event is geared towards parents with children born in 2012 and 2013 who are considering public, private and charter schools for their kids. Tickets are $30 here.
This intro to Pre-K and Kindergarten will cover:
- Various Pre-K options (private options and free universal Pre-K) in our neighborhood
- Various Kindergarten options (public zoned, public un-zoned, Charter schools and private schools) in our neighborhood and easily accessible from our neighborhood
- Specific insight to various local elementary schools
- Q&A
All parents will receive a copy of our Preschool Guide (value $15.00) and Charter School & Un-zoned School Guide (value $15.00) at the event. These guides list local school options with program details, costs, application process, languages, common core results etc. You will be able to ask lots of questions. No kids please. The event will take place at Creatively Wild Arts Studio at 33 Washington Street in DUMBO on Monday, December 12th from 7 to 8.30 pm. You can buy tickets here.