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Apply for free Pre-K in our neighborhood until July 10

If you live in New York City and your child was born in 2011, your child is eligible to attend a free, full-day pre-K program in September 2015. You can apply to new pre-K programs during the Round 2 application period from June 22-July 10. You can apply in Round 2 even if you accept and pre-register for an offer received in the Main Round.

The 18 seats at NY Preschool (aka NY Kids Club) in Brooklyn Heights are all taken, the team over there confirmed to us.

The few seats at Imagine DUMBO have been reserved by existing students at the daycare which have priority for the Universal Pre-K spots. The 20 seats at Imagine daycare Brooklyn Heights have all been filled as well.

PS 307 in Vinegar Hill has openings and plans to fill 6 classes (100 seats). Read more about PS 307 here. This is the only local option with open spots.

More details here!

Apply online!


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