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Free BROOKLYN LACROSSE CLINIC July 30 in Brooklyn Bridge Park (sponsored)

You’ve seen us…we share Brooklyn fields with soccer leagues. We share Brooklyn park walls with tennis and handball players. We share Brooklyn basketball courts with hoopsters. We are Brooklyn Lacrosse and we are ready to share the game of lacrosse with any kid who is willing to pick up a lacrosse stick.

We invite your kids to our Free Clinic on Tuesday, July 30th from 5 to 7pm at Pier 5. Whether they’re a beginner needing to learn the basics or they’ve been playing for a minute and are looking to tighten up a skill or two, they should come toss the ball with us for a bit. Open to children grades K-6th. Free RSVP here.

We’ve been playing year round in Brooklyn since 2012. And every Fall and Spring seasons we face off against teams from Jersey City, Hoboken, Riverdale, Westchester and even battle for bragging rights against our arch rivals, The Brooklyn Crescents. They deserve a shout out because the sport is bigger than a league. But back to us. Sign up for our free clinic and share in the fun of “the fastest game on two feet” and receive 10% discount when you register your child for our Fall season.

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