Guidepost Montessori brings its world-renowned Montessori curriculum to local families in Brooklyn Heights and Williamsburg and is enrolling now, with limited spots available in both early childhood and elementary programming.
Our Brooklyn Heights campus is located near Brooklyn Bridge Park and serves children age 3 to 11, through fifth grade. Our Williamsburg campus is located in the hub of Brooklyn, serves age 0 to 6 and offers Spanish immersion for 3- to 6-year-old students. At Guidepost Montessori, we believe that children thrive when given freedom and responsibility under the thoughtful guidance of dedicated teachers.
In the classrooms, students joyfully learn in mixed-age communities while working with carefully sequenced, hands-on learning materials that are germane to their own developmental needs. Children navigate beautifully prepared and thoughtfully designed spaces that promote child-directed exploration, independence, social confidence, and curiosity. Students choose their own work and collaborate naturally with their peers, gaining superior mentorship and leadership skills that are a feature of the mixed-age learning environment. Find out more here.