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International Charter School of New York opening in Downtown Brooklyn this Fall

The new charter school ICS is opening in our neighborhood in September 2015. ICS will be located on Willoughby Street in Downtown Brooklyn. Currently home to Brooklyn Friends High School, who will be moving to a new high school space on Jay Street this summer, ICS will have sole use of the building. It is around the corner from the Metrotech Commons, an open space where children can get outdoor time without having to cross the street. ICS will enroll 155 students in kindergarten and first grade in September. The registration deadline is April 1. The school plans on growing by one grade a year to serve K through 8th grade eventually. This year, they will have 4 Kindergarten classes with 20 children per class and two teachers as well as 3 classes of 1st grade with 25 kids per class and two teachers. School hours will be from 8 am to 4 pm, they might organize an after school program. ICS is a public school funded with tax dollars, hence it is free.

Core values: At ICS success means three things: a comprehensive coherent, curriculum; a strong focus on character, and a student body reflective of our community.

Lottery: As of now, over 300 children are registered for seats this fall. They will hold a public lottery on April 3rd. Students are chosen through the lottery system with priority given to those residing in District 13. Applying for this school does not affect your public school application for your zoned elementary school. You can always withdraw like you could from your local public school.

Events: March 9th: Salon 718, 610 Vanderbilt Avenue in Prospect Heights. 6:30 pm; March 18th: Kumon Center, 671 Vanderbilt Avenue in Prospect Heights. 5:30 pm.

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