Blue School, recently featured in The New York Times and Metropolis Magazine, is an independent school located in Lower Manhattan that provides a joyful, thoughtful environment for students to learn. Whether you are seeking:
- a hands-on, materials-based program led by a devoted team of teachers for your 2, 3, or 4 year old;
- an inquiry-driven program that provides deep dives into project work for your K-5th grader;
- or a middle school program that is designed to harness the potential of adolescents to act on their ideas, pursue high levels of scholarship, and become more fully realized as people and learners,
we welcome your family to visit and apply. Register for an Open House to meet teachers, the Head of School, and Division Directors, as well as current parents. Pre-primary and Primary (2 years old through 3rd grade) Open House: Oct. 17 from 6-7:30 p.m. at 241 Water St. Upper-primary and Middle School (4th through 8th grades) Open House: Nov. 1 from 6-7:30 p.m. at 156 William St. You can also sign up for one of our weekly tours to visit while school is in session.