Workshop Middle School is an innovative independent middle school in Prospect Lefferts Garden. It is the premier new middle school for creative, curious, and big-hearted students. Everything about our school is designed to match the abilities, interests, and needs of early adolescents. Jeremy, parent of an 8th grade student, explains: “Workshop Middle School is the greatest gift you can give your middle school child.”
In fact, student learning at Workshop Middle School outpaces academic achievement at peer schools. Last year, more than 50% of our students achieved greater than 2 years of academic growth. What’s also important is that students really love our school. Over three years, 92% of students and families rate our school 5 out of 5 on overall satisfaction. Jasper, a 7th grade student, explains: “Our school feels like a big family. It probably isn’t cool for kids in other schools to say this, but I really love our school.”
Join our upcoming Open House to learn more about our groundbreaking school. Visit us in-person to view our state-of-the-art school space and meet our visionary school founders.