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Governors Island food and spa news

Indoor dining and an expanded spa coming to Governors Island!

Taco Vista, which has offered Mexican tacos on Gov­er­nors Island since 2018, will renovate the neigh­bor­ing Build­ing 140 to cre­ate a mul­ti-use food and bev­er­age con­cept. The 10,000 SF project will include three venues: Priscil­la’s, a year-round café serv­ing cof­fee, pas­tries, and light lunch fare on a dai­ly basis, with an expand­ed menu on its water­front ter­race; The River­line, an indoor-out­door full-ser­vice restau­rant that will have the abil­i­ty to host spe­cial events; and a reimag­ined Taco Vista serv­ing fam­i­ly-friend­ly Mex­i­can fare and drinks.The build­ing is locat­ed adja­cent to Gov­er­nors Island’s pri­ma­ry fer­ry dock , and fea­tures unob­struct­ed views of the Low­er Man­hat­tan sky­line, Brook­lyn Bridge, and New York Har­bor. Con­struc­tion is antic­i­pat­ed to begin in Win­ter 2024 and be com­plet­ed in Fall 2025.

QC Spa has announced the opening of an additional building in September 2024, Building 111 with new amenities and a new restaurant called Casa QC bistro. The spa’s outdoor gardens have just been renovated, and in September, the spa will open Building 111 and a new restaurant called Casa QC bistro. Building 111 will have sensory saunas, waterfalls, a salt room, an ice room, and a relaxation room with water beds.The bistro will have 142 seats and will serve food, as well as non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. The spa’s indoor amenities already include Vichy showers, saunas, infrared beds, and more than a dozen relaxation rooms. Guests can also enjoy the outdoor pools, cabanas, and sunbeds. The spa is open all year round. A  5-hour stay at QC NY starts at $124, The spa continues to offer their One for Two wellness deal for your birthday. Come with a paying companion during your birthday month and receive one free entry (out of the two). This special birthday offer applies Monday through Friday. More information here.

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