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Jewish high holidays for families in our neighborhoods

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are approaching, and there many kid-friendly services and celebrations happening in our neighborhoods. There are also some pre-Rosh Hashanah events coming up to help get ready for the holidays! Our overview includes event dates and times, recommended ages and how to RSVP.

Chabad of DUMBO | DUMBO 

Celebrate Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur with Chabad of Dumbo! No appeals, no membership, just come and connect!

  • Pre-Rosh Hashanah Family Challah Bake | Sunday, September 29 | 10:30am

  • Rosh Hashanah Special Kids Program | Thursday, October 3 | 9:30-10:30am | Juggling and magic show, hands-on holiday crafts and projects, apples and honey, hear the blowing of the Shofar!
  • Rosh Hashanah Shofar Blowing by Jane’s Carousel | Thursday, October 3 | 4pm
  • Rosh Hashanah Kids Program followed by Shofar Blowing | Friday, October 4 | 11am & 12pm

Costs: FREE

Address: 205 Plymouth Street | DUMBO

RSVP: No RSVP required

Contact: Website | | 718.858.1232


Brooklyn Heights Synagogue | Brooklyn Heights

Celebrate the High Holy Days with BHS! Join us for Tot Services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur for families with children ages 0 to 5 years old (older siblings welcome). No RSVP required! Looking forward to celebrating the High Holy Days with you all! Shanah tovah!

  • Rosh Hashanah | Thursday, October 3 | 2:00-2:45pm
  • Yom Kippur | Saturday, October 12 | 2:00-2:45pm

Costs: FREE

Address: 131 Remsen Street | Brooklyn Heights

RSVP: No RSVP required

Contact: Website |


Kane Street Synagogue | Cobble Hill

Kane Street Synagogue has a large and active community of families with children and will offer a variety of family services and kid-friendly events for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur this year.

  • Candy Apple Bash | Sunday, September 22 | Ages 0-3: 10:30-11:25am | Ages 4-11: 11:30am-12:30pm | Get ready for Rosh Hashanah with great activities and lots of yumminess! | Tickets here
  • Reverse Tashlih | Sunday, September 29 | Ages 1-7 | Before real Tashlich, this event allows us to compensate by taking impurities OUT of the water and cleaning up our environment as a way to celebrate the creation of an amazing world. Join us for a clean up of the area on the streets and tree-beds near the Gowanus Canal | FREE, register here
  • Rosh Hashanah Youth Services | Thursday, October 3 | 9am-1:35pm |  Services by age groups, infants through teens | Services on the first day of Rosh Hashanah. On the second day, there will be games, singing, a play and a story to highlight the meanings and purposes of Rosh Hashanah. Children get apple and honey candy! | Full schedule here and tickets here
  • Yom Kippur Youth Services | Saturday, October 12 | 9am-1:35pm | Services by age groups, infants through teens | Full schedule here and tickets here

Costs: Candy Apple Bash is $15 for members/$35 for non-members. Family services are ticketed by family: $200/family for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, $125/family for either Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur.

Address: 236 Kane Street | Cobble Hill

RSVP: Purchase Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur tickets here

Contact: Website | | 718.875.1550


Dirah Brooklyn | Carroll Gardens

Shofar Making Workshop
Sunday, September 22 | 10am | Ages 3-13 | Children under 9 will need an adult to help them | $23 per Shofar-marker | RSVP here 

In preparation for the Jewish new year, ‘Rosh Hashana’, kids will craft their very own Shofar from a ram’s horn at our hands-on “Shofar Factory”. Children will help to cure, measure, saw, drill, and sand a real ram’s horn to transform it into a working Shofar instrument – and learn about the High Holidays along the way.

High Holidays Children’s Services at Hannah Senesh Community Day School
Rosh Hashanah: Thursday, October 3 & Friday, October 4 | 10:30am | Ages 2-12 | FREE
Yom Kippur: October 12 | 10:30am | Ages 2-12 | FREE

Dirah is excited to offer a fun and engaging children’s services for the High Holidays!
Children will enjoy songs, games, crafts and holiday fun, and special entertainment. Services will be held at Hannah Senesh Community Day School at 342 Smith Street. RSVP here!


Park Slope Jewish Center | Park Slope

Park Slope Jewish Center will offer youth and family services throughout the Jewish High Holy Day season. Services are grouped by age, see below for full schedule.

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 | Thursday, October 3

  • Stories and Songs for the New Year | 9:30-10:15amDesigned for up to age 7, open to all who want to start the year singing!
  • Kulanu Service | 10:30am-12:15pmA taste of the high holy days for all ages and stages, including singing, stories, interactive Torah service, sounding the Shofar, and a special snack!
  • Teen Discussion | 12:30pm | 8th Grade and up | A discussion on the themes of the new year for PSJC teens.

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 | Friday, October 4

  • Tot Tefillah | 9:30-10:15am | Designed for ages 0 – 8, open to all who want to start the year singing!
  • Stories and Songs for the New Year Part 2 | 10:30-11:15amDesigned for preK – 2nd grade, open to all who want to start the year singing!
  • Rosh Hashanah Games & Songs | 11:00am-12:30pmA taste of the high holy day service for 3rd – 7th graders and our own Shofar Service. Parents welcome, though not required.

Yom Kippur | Saturday, October 12 

  • Stories and Songs for the New Year | 10amDesigned for up to age 7, open to all who want to start the year singing!
  • Kulanu Service | 10:30am | A taste of the high holy days for all ages and stages, including an interactive Torah service.
  • Teen Discussion | 12:30pm | 8th Grade and up | A discussion on the themes of the new year for PSJC teens.

Costs: Youth and Family Services are $36 (suggested donation per household)

Address: 1320 8th Avenue | Park Slope

RSVP: Purchase Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur tickets here

Contact: Website | | 718.768.1453


Chabad of Fort Greene | Fort Greene

Join for High Holiday Services with Chabad of Fort Greene! Convenient neighborhood location, comfortable family-friendly environment, traditional melodies, Hebrew and English, filled with commentary and explanation, at no charge.

  • Pre-Rosh Hashanah trip to Urban Farm | Sunday, September 22nd | 11:00am | All ages
  • Rosh Hashanah Service | Wednesday, October 2 | 6:30pm
  • Thursday, October 3 | Rosh Hashanah Services & Shofar
    • 10:30 am | Morning Service
    • 11:30am | Shofar in Fort Greene Park | Lawn Near Dekalb/S. Oxford
    • 4:00pm | Tashlich At The Water at John St. & Jay St. (near Manhattan Bridge)
    • 5:30 pm | Community Dinner | RSVP required:
  • Friday, October 4th | Rosh Hashanah Services & Shofar
    • 10:30am | Morning Service
    • 11:30am | Shofar
  • Yom Kippur Service details to follow

Costs: FREE; no membership or affiliation required.

Address: 324 Grand Avenue | Fort Greene

RSVP: To make a reservation email or call 718.974.9472

Contact: Website | | 718.974.9472


Romemu Brooklyn | Park Slope

Join Romemu Brooklyn for their spiritual, healing, and uplifting High Holy Days services, led by Hazzan Basya Schechter. Kohenet Elna Brody, Rabbi Shira Koch Epstein and Rabbi Annie Lewis. Their services are known for their exquisite music and include a full band with electrified sound. You will hear a thoughtful blend of traditional and innovative prayers and melodies, as well as inspired teachings of clergy and community members. Along with the main services, they offer multiple kids’ services for both 2-6 and 7-12 years old kids, led by Stav Meishar, as well as educational and experiential themed activities and child supervision. Romemu Brooklyn is a Renewal, Neo-Hasidic, dynamic, inclusive and egalitarian congregation, where all are welcomed. No need to be members in order to join their High Holy Days services.

  • Wednesday, October 2 | 7:00pm
  • Thursday, October 3 |  9:00am
  • Friday, October 11 | 6:00 pm
  • Saturday, October 12 | 9:00am
  • Saturday, October 12 | 5:00pm

Costs: $100 for members per event/$180 for non-members per event; $300 bundle for members/$540 bundle for non-members; $50 for members’ kids/$100 for non-members’ kids per service

Address: Greenwood Baptist Church | 461 6th Street | Park Slope

RSVP: Tickets for High Holy Days here

Contact: Website

JCC Brooklyn North Williamsburg | North Williamsburg

Sunday, September 29 | 11am-1pm | RSVP required

Celebrate Rosh Hashanah with the JCC Brooklyn North Williamsburg staff and community! Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 29th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, join us at 14 Hope Street for a wonderful event of music with Yonatan, arts & crafts, face painting, and more! Excited to see you all for the new year as we come together as a community. Refreshments will be served, and of course – apples and honey will be there to sweeten the new year! RSVP required!


Rosh Hashanah Family Musical Celebration at Bay Ridge Jewish Center | Bay Ridge

Friday, October 4 | 10-11am | Ages 0-6 | RSVP here
Rosh HaShanah Family Musical Celebration in person, for kids ages 0-6 + older sibs. Bring your clapping hands & dancing feet as we sing along with Dovy from Tkiya! Stories, puppets, hear the Shofar & enjoy Challah, grape juice, Apples & honey. Located at Bay Ridge Jewish Center, 4th Avenue & 81 Street, Brooklyn. “R” train to 77 Street (Brooklyn). Please register at

Updated: September 26, 2024. Main Image: Rosh Hashanah at Kane Street Synagogue

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