DUMBO has the highest median household income in Brooklyn, followed by Cobble Hill and Vinegar Hill. Below are the median household incomes* for our neighborhoods in Brooklyn in comparison to New York City overall which averages at $55k per household per year:
- NYC $55k
- DUMBO $225k
- Cobble Hill $143k
- Vinegar Hill $138k
- Carroll Gardens $131k
- Brooklyn Heights $122k
- Boerum Hill $115k
- Downtown Brooklyn $111k
- Columbia Street Waterfront District $98k
- Gowanus $91k
- Fort Greene $66k
The data is taken from the statistical atlas which currently presents data from the US Census Bureau, specifically from the 2010 census, and from the 2012-2016 American Community Survey.
*Median income is the amount that divides the income distribution into two equal groups, half having income above that amount, and half having income below that amount.
Photo: Mural in DUMBO