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Rosh Hashanah celebrations for kids in our neighborhoods

Ready to celebrate Rosh Hashanah with the sounds of the shofar? Various kids celebrations and family-friendly outdoor shofar blowings will be held on Monday and Tuesday in our neighborhoods.

Monday, September 26 at 5 pm at Jane’s Carousel in DUMBO

Shofar blowing with the Chabad of DUMBO open to all on Monday, September 26 at 5 pm at Jane’s Carousel in Brooklyn Bridge Park.

Monday, September 26 from 5:30-6:30pm at the Gowanus Canal

Celebrate Rosh Hashanah with a unique family-friendly micro-service on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, featuring some of the prayer highlights and songs, the resounding notes of the Shofar, and a Tashlich waterfront meditation. Join Dirah at the Gowanus Canal (65 2nd St.) for a bite-sized dose of Rosh Hashanah inspiration, meditation and vibration. Open to everyone at no cost.

Monday at 5.30 at Pier 6 in Brooklyn Bridge Park with the Kane Street Synagogue

Monday and Tuesday at 11.30 am Rosh Hashanah kids programming at the Chabad of DUMBO

Celebrate Rosh Hashanah at the Chabad of DUMBO – renew, recharge and rejuvenate. Services at 10.30 am and kids programming at 11.30 am with games, crafts, story time and shofar blowing on both days. Just stop by, no need to RSVP.

Monday and Tuesday Shofar on the Square at Albee Square at 5 pm

Monday and Tuesday from 11 am to 1 pm kids programming at the Chabad of Brooklyn Heights

Kids programming for ages 2 to 12 on both days from 11 am to 1 pm with edible arts programming, games and prayer service at the Chabad of Brooklyn Heights at 112 Remsen Street.

Shofar across Brooklyn Tuesday at 5 pm at Grand Army Plaza

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