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What is new and changing in public schools? Dyslexia screenings are being introduced, vegetarian lunch is now served two days per week and class sizes will be reduced.

  • 80 elementary and 80 middle schools across the city have been selected to run a pilot project to screen for dyslexia in all students. Additionally all teachers in the public school system will receive professional development to detect dyslexia.
  • Two days per week lunch in public schools is now vegetarian. In addition to “meatless Mondays”, “plant-based Fridays” have been introduced. See the public school lunch menu here.
  • The Department of Education is adding 110 social works and 250 school safety agents to the system.
  • The school chancellor also plans to enhance communication with parents including a new app development with push notifications with real time responses from DOE and school principals.
  • A new law has been signed by the Governor that will cap classes at 20 students in kindergarten through third grade, 23 students for grades 4-8, and 25 students for high school classes. Currently up to 25 students are allowed in a Kindergarten class and up to 32 in 1st Grade and up. Starting September 2023, the legislation will significantly shrink the maximum number of students allowed in each classroom.

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