There are now 814 confirmed coronavirus cases in New York City, 157 cases in Brooklyn, as of 3 pm on 3/17 and already 7 total deaths in the city.
- Public schools will close as of Monday, March 16th
- Physical locations “Regional Enrichment Centers” for children of health care and transit workers, first responders and other public workers will be set up in the five Boroughs starting March 23rd
- Remote learning and specialized sites will make up only to a certain extend to support the health care system workers over the next few weeks
- Starting Monday March 16th school is cancelled until minimum April 20th and at a maximum for the entire school year
- Remote learning in Grades K to 12 will be implemented on Monday March 23, this coming week teachers will be trained to teach remotely
- “Grab and go meals” will be available at public schools over the next five days, only for this coming week. Students will will not be able to eat the meals in the school buildings but take them home
- The Department of Education will supply technology for kids in need which they estimate at 300,000 students
Read more about the closings of private and preschools and first cases in DUMBO and Carroll Gardens here.