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Math tutoring center opening in Brooklyn Heights

Mathnasium, a math-only learning center for kids in grades Kindergarten to 12, will open this spring at 93 Pineapple Walk in the former Heights Kids space. Mathnasium runs over 700 centers in the US and Canada with specially trained math instructors offering tutoring services and math homework help.

After conducting an assessment to determine how a student is performing based on national standards, they assemble a learning plan to address his/her specific needs. The free assessment is a great way for parents to, without obligation, identify gaps in their children’s math literacy and determine whether or not they are performing at grade level. These days, because of the way math is taught in the classroom, those gaps are very common. If they do discover that a student is performing at grade level, they then devise an enrichment program to introduce the child to more advanced concepts. The fee is $399 per month for two hours per week of instruction.

The center will be open Mondays to Thursdays from 3 to 7 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm. They anticipate to be open latest by May. More information here.

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